the Degree Confluence Project


1.2 km (0.7 miles) W of Haut-Fays (Luxembourg), Namur, Belgium
Approx. altitude: 435 m (1427 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 50°S 175°W

Accuracy: 18 m (59 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to south #3: View to west #4: View to north #5: The GPS proof #6: Happy hunter #7: Here I parked the ugly car #8: The sign nearby the CP

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  50°N 5°E (visit #16) (secondary) 

#1: View to east

(visited by Alfredo B. Remon Mendez and Luz Stella de Remon)


05-Nov-2013 -- Viene de 49°N 5°E.

Estando de vacaciones en Europa para visitar a mi hijo, como todo cazador de confluencia aproveché la oportunidad y visité 12 confluencias (una incompleta) incluyendo una en Francia no visitada hasta la fecha.

Cumplido el primer objetivo del día, nos dirigimos a la confluencia 50°N 5°E, justo al norte de donde estábamos en Bélgica. Volvimos a la población de Verrières, pasamos por Sainte-Menehould y continuamos al norte por la carretera D84. En Vouziers tomamos la carretera D977 hasta Sedan donde giramos hacia la N43 y luego en Bazielles donde cambiamos a la carretera N58 con la cual entramos a Bélgica.

Ya en Bélgica carretera N89, pasamos por el pueblo de Noirefontaine y posteriormente la carretera N95 pasando por el pueblo de Mogimont. Continuamos al norte pasando por Bièvre y posteriormente la carretera N835 la cual nos lleva hasta el bosque donde se encuentra la confluencia.

Estacioné el carro a un lado de la carretera y caminé hacia la confluencia. La lluvia continuaba y la temperatura estaba en 5°C. No me interné dentro del bosque para evitar resbalar en acceso desde la carretera. Tomé las fotos de rigor y retorné al carro con la expectativa de cazar la próxima confluencia en el día de hoy, eran las 4:10 pm.

La secuencia de casería de confluencias continúa en 50°N 6°E.


05-Nov-2013 -- Comes from49°N 5°E.

Been on vacation in Europe to visit my son, as every confluence hunter I took the opportunity and visited 12 Confluences (one incomplete) including one in France not visited so far.

Having accomplished the first goal of the day, we headed to the confluence 50°N 5°E in Belgium just north of where we were. We returned to the village of Verrières, passed Sainte-Menehould and continued northward along the D84 road. In Vouziers, we took the road D977 to Sedan where we turned towards the N43 and then in Bazielles where we changed to road N58 with which we entered Belgium.

Already in Belgium on road N89, we passed through the village of Noirefontaine and subsequently on the N95 road passed through the village of Mogimont. We continued north past Bièvre and subsequently on the N835 highway which leads to the forest where the Confluence is located.

I parked the car on the side of the road and walked towards the Confluence. The rain continued and the temperature was 5°C. I stayed out of the forest to avoid slipping on access from the road. I took the pictures and I returned to the car with the expectation of hunting the next Confluence today, it was 4:10 pm.

Confluence hunting sequence continues at 50°N 6°E.

 All pictures
#1: View to east
#2: View to south
#3: View to west
#4: View to north
#5: The GPS proof
#6: Happy hunter
#7: Here I parked the ugly car
#8: The sign nearby the CP
ALL: All pictures on one page
Sabine F has visited this confluence and intends to submit it between the 20-May-2024 and the 30-Nov-2024. Comments: "19.5. Wald"