01-May-2004 -- During a visit to the Carnarvon National Park, we camped at the "West Branch" camping area in the Mt Moffatt section of the park. The site overlooks the creeks gving rise to the Maranoa River (west branch). The confluance site was approximately 3.21 kilometres south of the camp ground.
I set out at 8:40 AM, the hike was through open grassy ground, I was able to follow some infrequently used animal pads (paths), either made by cattle (the Mt Moffatt section was a cattle grazing property before being added to the park) or by native animals like kangaroos or wombats.
It was necessary to cross a fairly deep creek a couple of times. The closer I got to GZ, the land started to rise into cliffs and rocky hills (see general photos), but the actual confluence was approx 20 metres to the east of a relatively steep creek-bed, probably the Maranoa. The confluence was reached at 9:45AM.
There were no signs of any activity, either animal or human, apart from abundant birdlife. The area itself was moderately wooded grassland rising to rocky outcrops to the east and west.