05-Sep-2009 --
This was tough to get. I was taking a trip down to Tracy Arm for the three day weekend and decided I'd try to hit this one.
On Saturday the seas were running 3'-5' with about a 20 knot wind. Fortunately I managed to not only hit the confluence right on (see the GPS track), but I also managed to get the shot of the GPS. The boat was really rockin' and rollin' and I almost fell down looking through the viewfinder. The directional photos are roughly NW, NE, SW and SE but standing on top of a pitching moving vessel... Well, one does ones best.
I also could have gotten this on the way back this morning (Monday) except the pictures would have been really boring. The seas were flat calm and not a breath of wind, but the visibility was about 30 yards because of FOG! Go figure.
I've included a photo inside Tracy Arm taken Sunday of one of the glaciers at the end. The mountains rise to over 4000 feet and the water depth can be over 1200 feet. It was an overcast day, however much better than the previous day.