06-Feb-2003 -- This is a VERY hard confluence. After you drive on a very hard road (plenty of holes), me(Vinicius Ribeiro), Paulo Fitz and Leandro Lopes have arrived on the end of the way. The GPS had acused a distance about 2.2 km.
We had to turn around several fences that have some warnings (Warning!Danger of life! - in Portuguese: Perigo de Vida!). The 30S 52W confluence is very close a military area!
But we got it! This confluence is close a dam - with too much swamps - , and there are some cattle and emu(this one is typical of the Rio Grande do Sul province). There is no shadows to protect you against the sun.
If you have the intention to visit it, do not forget to use solar protection, and turn around the fences - or you will enter in a military zone.