04-May-2005 -- Aprovechando la ocasion en la que Pablo habia adquirido su nuevo GPS, rapidamente organizamos la salida a esta confluencia.La misma se encontraba a 800 metros de un aparente camino vecinal segun pudimos observar previamente en los mapas satelitales.Si bien la ruta 3 esta a solo 30km, los caminos son todos en diagonales a la misma.Y el plan era ir llegando desde Villalonga en un par de zigzags.
El dia amanecio nublado en Bahia Blanca, ya en camino la lluvia torrencial comenzo.
El barro dificultaba el camino, primer intento bloqueado con candados, ya luego a solo 10km el camino se termino, preguntando a los paisanos que se encontraban bajo techo y con fogata nos indicaron que teniamos que llegar al camino llamado el 900.
Ya casi llegando una mujer en su camioneta F100 nos dijo "el 900 esta muy bravo, intransitable en sectores, yo vengo de la escuela"
Conocedora de la zona o nos asusto o realmente era asi.
Finalmente llegamos al camino 900, estaba malo pero la Niva se adapto al terreno y simplemente acelerabamos para no quedarnos,en un par de oportunidades saliendo de las banquinas a las que habiamos terminado.
Por suerte logramos llegar al borde del camino en una cuesta, alli no habia peligro de quedarse encajado si bien continuaba lloviendo.Decidimos parar en ese lugar cercano a la confluencia.
Desde alli a caminar, los arbustos eran espinosos, y no dejaron avanzar tan facilmente.La confluencia se encuentra en medio de un matorral de arbustos.
Ya que continuaba la lluvia y los matorral nos cerraban aun mas el paso decidimos sacar las fotos a 30 metros del lugar.Ya era suficiente.
Volvimos mas tranquilos con la satisfacion de haber cumplido.Y con mas de 500km recorridos.
04-May-2005 --
It was a good opportunity to test Pablo's new GPS, fast we organized a trip to this confluence. It was at only 800 meters from a neighborhood road as we could see on the satelital maps.
Allthougt National Road its only at 30km, all the road are diagonal to it. The plan was from Villalonga town taking some zigzags.
The day in Bahia Blanca was cloudy, just on the road and the rain stated.
The mud bring a dificult travel, on the first attempt we foundd a blocked gate. Then, and at only 10 km from where the road ended, we asked for directions to some "gauchos" that where under a roof and with fire. They told us that we might get there going to the 900 road.
Almost reaching the 900, a woman on her F100 truck told us "The 900 is very hard, intransitable in some places, I'm coming from the school"
Finally we reach the 900 road, it was bad but the NIVA adapted to the mud and we just accelareted to avoid getting stuck, on a few oportunities we ended at the edge of the road.
Allthougt it was still raining we found a place were we could stop without danger of geting stuck, nearby the confluence.
From there we walked, the plants where quite thorny and didn't let us move very easy. The onfluence was just on the midle of thorny bushes.
Becasuse it was still raining and the bushes hardly let us move, we just decide to take the photographs at 30 meters. It was enoght.
We went back more easyly, with the satisfaction of acomplishment and with a trip of more than a 500km.