English Narrative
04-May-2006 -- 这个点是我们在居延海露营后的第二天(5月4日上午9点多)回额济纳城路上去的。他就在额济纳城通往策克口岸的公路边。开始我们通过GPS知道他就在公路边大约5公里左右,我和老尼驾驶切诺基从公路下去,开到隔壁滩,开始有些灌木,不是很好开,但是我们发现有车辙是通往那个点的方向,当我们接近的时候,发现是一片空旷平整的戈壁滩,我们开车车寻找最近的地方,然后下车。很快我们找到了N43E101的整数位置,令人难以致信的是我们的车辙正好通过这个点。我们拍照,然后离开。我们发现他离另外一条公路的距离更近一些,也更好走。
English Narrative
04-May-2006 --
This point is near the road to the CeKe port of China and Mongol border.May 4th,2006, Lao Ni and me got this point on the road of backing downtown of Ejina City,after camping beside Sogo Nur Lake last night.We knew this point is about 5km to the road, then we drove off the road,first,it’s very diffcult to drive on gobi for the shrub.When we approach the point,it’s very clear,flat gobi there,we drove our jeep got the point,shot the GPS,and left,there are another way to a road,easy to drive.