07-Jun-2006 -- Not as easy as my previous degree confluence visit the same day (25N 41E). The distance from the road was about 10 kilometers and the terrain was mountainous. A big valley lead from the road to within about a kilometer from the Confluence and there was a track leading from the road into the valley. I was able to drive the car a few kilometers along the track, but then the track deteriorated too much for a two wheel drive. I unpacked the bicycle from the trunk and rode it about seven kilometers further. Then I had to leave the bike and hike the last kilometer and climb up to the Confluence from the valley bottom.
My GPS receiver pointed to a vertical cliff face, so the actual degree confluence may be at the top or the bottom of it. I selected the top because at the bottom the GPS reception is poor. I made the same mistake as on my previous confluence visit: I only looked for coordinates when I zeroed my GPSr for photo shoot and missed the fact that the "Dist To Dest" was still 1 meter although the minutes were all balls. Thus the 6 meter accuracy although the GPSr says 5.
Continued at 24N 39E.