25-Sep-2004 -- As many years as I have got my sailing boat, we have always been on the last trip of the season with guys only. Usually we have just sailed to some nice island where we have been sitting around fire drinking too much and eating some sausage, like real Finnish men occasionally do.
This year, besides those usual activities, I suggested visiting a confluence point, one of the last ones that are still without a visit here in Finland. My friends all thought this was a good idea.
So, we gathered to my boat at Friday evening to raise some explorer spirit and early at Saturday morning we set sail towards the confluence point. There were fair 30 nautical miles to travel from my home port, Turku, to N60° E22°. Because winds were favourable, starboard reach 6 to 8 meters per second most of the time, we got there at the afternoon.
We approached the point from NNE. Because the confluence is at quite open sea, we couldn’t zero the GPS at this wind and swelling level. There was also a reef on the lee side where wind was trying to push us all the time, so we had to be careful and couldn’t hang around there too long. Took some pictures and sailed away.
There is one of my boating clubs bases near the point, so we sailed there to have nice warm Sauna after a long day in wind and rain.