the Degree Confluence Project


N of Jalal-Abad, Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan
Approx. altitude: 849 m (2785 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 41°S 107°W

Accuracy: 7 m (22 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: from the confluence looking west #3: from the confluence looking north #4: 200m west of the confluence looking towards the riverbed #5: independence day parade in jalal abad #6: gps pic #7: two kyrgysz women in traditionell dress attending the event

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  41°N 73°E (visit #1)  

#1: from the confluence looking south towards jalal abad

(visited by Philipp Funovits)

31-Aug-2006 -- This confluence lies just 7km northwest from the Jalal Abad, near a settlement called Spasovka. Jalal Abad lies just a few kilometers north of one the main border crossings to Uzbekistans Ferghana valley, and is therefore buzzing with activity although it is significantly smaller than nearby Osh. The 7km distance airline translated to a 20km round trip with a taxi. I visited the confluence on the 15th Anniversary of Kyrgysztans Independence (which was celebrated with extra vigour in border districts), so I arranged to go there early in the morning before the extensive festivities would have made it difficult to get out of town. Air quality is terrible in the area and even in the early morning and with a moderate breeze going the smell of diesel and benzine fumes was overwhelming.

On the way to the confluence we drove past a lot of dismantled plants and other rundown or defunct infrastructure, which showed what a heavy hit the breakdown of the soviet empire was for the region, from which it clearly has not completely recovered. I had to walk the last 700m because a part of the road was washed away.

The actual spot lies in the dried up river bed of the Kjok Arm. To get there I had to get permission to cross the wheat fields of a local farmer which he gladly gave. I took the pictures and got back in time to watch the obligatory parade in Jalal Abad.

 All pictures
#1: from the confluence looking south towards jalal abad
#2: from the confluence looking west
#3: from the confluence looking north
#4: 200m west of the confluence looking towards the riverbed
#5: independence day parade in jalal abad
#6: gps pic
#7: two kyrgysz women in traditionell dress attending the event
ALL: All pictures on one page