the Degree Confluence Project

Saudi Arabia : Hā'il

11.3 km (7.0 miles) ESE of Juruma, Hā'il, Saudi Arabia
Approx. altitude: 1230 m (4035 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 27°S 139°W

Accuracy: 3 m (9 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: South view #3: GPS display #4: Tiny honeybee farm #5: Acacia tree

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  27°N 41°E (visit #2)  

#1: East view

(visited by Megbil al-Shammary)

Arabic version


15-Aug-2015 -- It was the last day of my vacation at my parents’ home in Ḥā’il where I spent some time with my family. Since this confluence 27N 41E is very near to my parents’ town, I decided to visit it.

I drove my car along the Madīna road to `Uqlat bin Ǧabrīn for about 65 km, then turned right using the Saqf road for another 39 km, then turned to this point.

This point has a mountainous nature, so it is very difficult to access it. I reached there after three attempts from the east side. A small farm with honey bees was there on the same mountain due to many acacia trees. I took some photos and returned to my parents’ home.


في يوم السبت 15/8/2015 كنت في اخر يوم بإجازتي السنوية وكنا نقضيها بربوع ديارنا وبما ان هذا الملتقى كان قريب من ديارنا قررت ازوره. سلكت طريق المدينة من حائل ثم انعطفت يمينا من عند قرية عقلة بن جبرين وأخذت طريق سقف وحوالي 39 كم انعطفت الى الملتقى وبعد ثلاث محاولات وصلت اليه وحيث ان الطبيعة جبلية واجهت صعوبة بالصعود اليه

.وجدة هناك خلايا نحل لإنتاج العسل لكثرة وجود شجر الطلح

أخذت بعض الصور وغادرت عائدا إلى منزلنا العامر

 All pictures
#1: East view
#2: South view
#3: GPS display
#4: Tiny honeybee farm
#5: Acacia tree
ALL: All pictures on one page