21-Jan-2001 -- It was freaking cold, and we just wanted to go for a ride so,
we punch into the GPS the coordinates and figure it is the quickest
way to get there.
After traveling in zig-zag for about two hours (we will have better
prepartion the next time i.e., a map...) we got to a dirt road that
was going in the general direction of the waypoint.
When this road brought us to the closest point we could go,
we saw a electric power line with some kind of road. But this is
Canada, there is snow in January and of course this road is not plowed.
So we think about it for about half a second and point our jeep on the road.
After about 2 km, we got to the closest sopt that road could bring us.
We did the rest by foot, but I did not bring my gloves so it was very cold to
take the pictures and navigate. The pictures are not that good, since I did not
have my digital camaras with me so they are from a cheap 35mm and then scanned with
a cheap scanner. If I go back I will take digital pictures, I promise...
Conclusion: this is in the middle of nowhere.