the Degree Confluence Project


4.2 km (2.6 miles) NNW of Melnice, Ličko-Senjska, Croatia
Approx. altitude: 861 m (2824 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 45°S 165°W

Accuracy: 15 m (49 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Olek and I viewed from the east #3: Visitors viewed from the north #4: Olek viewed from the south #5: The GPS #6: The road from the confluence to Senj

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  45°N 15°E (visit #1)  

#1: View from the west

(visited by Marek Jazienicki and Olek Piesik)



26-Jun-2001 -- Razem z Olkiem wyjechaliœmy z miasteczka Senj po³o¿onego nad Adriatykiem i kierowaliœmy siê na wschód. Lokalnymi drogami dojechaliœmy do miejsca po³o¿onego 1200 metrów na wschód od przeciêcia. Rozpoczêliœmy marsz przez las. Wycieczka by³a doœæ trudna ze wzglêdu na du¿¹ iloœæ kamieni i krzaków. Poniewa¿ byliœmy w lesie mój GPS co chwilê „gubi³” satelity. Oko³o 200 m od przeciêcia znaleŸliœmy leœn¹ drogê, któr¹ mo¿na by bez problemów dojechaæ zwyk³ym samochodem. Nie mieliœmy jednak ¿adnych dok³adnych map tego terenu i o drodze nie mogliœmy wczeœniej nic wiedzieæ. W koñcu przeciêcie znalezione. Wed³ug GPS jakieœ 760 m.n.p.m. Okolica by³a nieciekawa: gêsty las, na 40 stopniowym zboczu. Dodatkowo by³o bardzo duszno – oko³o 30C i natychmiast rzuci³y siê na nas komary i inne wszelakie robactwo. Zrobiliœmy kilka fotek i szybko wróciliœmy do Senj.


26-Jun-2001 -- Olek and I left Senj - the small town located on the seashore of the Adriatic Sea - and headed east. On the local road system we drove to within 1200 meters of the confluence. We walked through the deep forest. There were many stones and bushes, so our trip was very difficult. Because there were many high trees we had a problem with tracking sats with the GPS.

When we were about 200m east of the confluence we found the forest road. It looked good for driving by car but we did not have any maps of this terrain and we did not know about it. Finally we found the confluence. The GPS told us the altitude is about 760 m. The terrain was not interesting – deep forest on the about 40 degrees slope. The temperature was about 30 Celsius degrees, and there were many mosquitoes and other insects that started to eat us immediately! After doing photos we went back to the Senj.

 All pictures
#1: View from the west
#2: Olek and I viewed from the east
#3: Visitors viewed from the north
#4: Olek viewed from the south
#5: The GPS
#6: The road from the confluence to Senj
ALL: All pictures on one page