the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Rondônia

10.4 km (6.5 miles) SE of Ariquemes, Rondônia, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 180 m (590 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 10°N 117°E

Accuracy: 4 m (13 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View East of Confluence #3: View South of Confluence #4: View West of Confluence #5: GPS photo in WGS84 position #6: Photo of visitors

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  10°S 63°W  

#1: View North of Confluence

(visited by Sergio Schubart and Carlos Rafael Simões)


17-May-2004 -- No dia 16 de maio de 2004, passou na TV uma reportagem sobre os caçadores de confluências e achei muito interessante.
No dia seguinte pela manhã (17/05/2004) perguntei a um amigo se ele tinha visto a reportagem e ele disse que sim. Então acessamos o website www.confluence.org e colhemos as informações básicas para visitar uma confluência.
Consultamos o link de Rondônia - Brasil e verificamos que nenhuma confluência tinha sido registrada até o momento, o que nos deixou empolgados.

Pegamos um mapa e verificamos que a cerca de 10 Km de onde estávamos, existe a confluência 10° S 63° W, então resolvemos visitá-la na tarde do mesmo dia.

Saímos de Ariquemes – Rondônia – Brasil, pegamos a rodovia BR-364 sentido Sul por cerca de 11 Km e chegamos a uma fazenda. Pedimos autorização para entrar e fomos procurar a confluência. Após andar por cerca de 840 Mt, localizamos o ponto e registramos com as fotografias.

Ficamos muito contentes por termos sido os primeiros a visitar uma confluência no estado de Rondônia.


On may 16 3004 the TV aired a report about confluence hunters and I found it very interesting.
On the next day, early in the morning I asked a friend if he had seen the report and said yes. We looked at the website www.confluence.org and got the basic information needed to visit a confluence.
We looked into Rondonia, Brazil and verified that there where no reported visits in this state.

We took a map and saw that at some 10 km from where we were there is a confluence - 10° S 63° W, we decided to visit it in the afternoon of the very same day.

We parted from Ariquemes, Rondonia, Brazil on highway BR 364 towards the South for about 11 kms. We reached a farm and asked for permission to enter and went after the confluence. After some 840 meters we found the spot and took the pictures.

We where very happy for being the first ones to visit a confluence in Rondonia.

Coordinator's Note: I have been trying to get information about the TV program mentioned in this visit. I have mailed the TV company with no success. I ask for help from all our Brazil visitors. sample text Obrigado!

 All pictures
#1: View North of Confluence
#2: View East of Confluence
#3: View South of Confluence
#4: View West of Confluence
#5: GPS photo in WGS84 position
#6: Photo of visitors
ALL: All pictures on one page