12-Nov-2004 -- We took the flight to Lubango and rented a car there. We planned to spend this four-day weekend exploring the region. The following day we travelled to Namibe on the Angolan coast over the famous 'Estrada da Leba', taking us from the cool and wet 1800 m Huíla to the Namibe Desert at sea level.
At the foot of the mountain, we found the old track to Munhino and Bibala, and about 3 kilometres along we found another track on the right that quickly disappeared into open bush. We drove on for about 1 kilometre but were forced to park the car close to a rock outcrop and decided to walk the remaining 800 metres to the point.
The bush here is already quite sparse with plenty of sandy clearings and rocky outcrops that make for easy walking despite the mid-morning heat. Another 20 km further west and we would be well into Welwitschia country. On the way towards Namibe (and lunch) we met a couple of Mukubal boys herding goats in the desert. They wanted some water and we took a couple of pictures, before continuing our day trip.