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Côte d'Ivoire
6 degrees north, 5 degrees west (visit #1) - All Pictures

#1: Blick in Richtung Konfluenz, ca 4 km entfernt - View towards the Confluence, about 4 km away
Blick in Richtung Konfluenz, ca 4 km entfernt - View towards the Confluence, about 4 km away
#2: Blick in Richtung Konfluenz, ca 4 km entfernt - View towards the Confluence, about 4 km away
Blick in Richtung Konfluenz, ca 4 km entfernt - View towards the Confluence, about 4 km away
#3: Relativ nahe am Zielpunkt - Relatively close to our destination
Relativ nahe am Zielpunkt - Relatively close to our destination
#4: Zur Umkehr gezwungen - Forced to turn around
Zur Umkehr gezwungen - Forced to turn around
#5: Nord-Süd-Verbindung (Sokorobo) - North-south route (Sokorobo)
Nord-Süd-Verbindung (Sokorobo) - North-south route (Sokorobo)