the Degree Confluence Project

India : Rajasthan

3.8 km (2.4 miles) ESE of Fatehpur, Rajasthan, India
Approx. altitude: 327 m (1072 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 28°S 105°W

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North view #3: East view #4: South view #5: West view #6: GPS at point #7: Haveli in Fatehpur

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  28°N 75°E  

#1: Well at confluence point

(visited by Dominique Wacker and Claude Wacker)

10-Feb-2002 -- For our 20th wedding anniversary, we decided to visit one of the most romantic places of the world: Rajasthan in the North of India. Beginning of February 2002, we flew to New Delhi and rented a car with driver for 4 weeks of holidays. We travelled through the following cities: Neemrana, Mandawa, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Mount Abu, Udaipur, Dungarpur, Dariawad, Bassi, Jaipur, Agra and Delhi; a total of 3800 km.

On the way we visited the following confluence points: 28°N 75°E, 27°N 72°E, 26°N 73°E, 24°N 74°E, 25°N 75°E and 27°N 76°E. “The Road Guide to Rajasthan” with a scale of 1:1’200’000 (!) was the only map we found and it helped us to choose which points were not to far from our itinerary. We saw that although only main roads are described, the accuracy of the map was pretty good.

The first confluence point was visited the 10th February on the road from Mandawa to Bikaner, 5 km before Fatehpur. Mandawa, Fatehpur and Nawalgarh are well known cities for their beautiful painted houses named havelis.

The point has been reached after about 1 km of walk south of the road Mandawa to Fatehpur, 1 km after the village named Tajar. The point is 2 meters away from a well in a semi-arid country. A track is present 200 meters south of the point, probably going to Tajar. Altitude of the point: 350 meters.

 All pictures
#1: Well at confluence point
#2: North view
#3: East view
#4: South view
#5: West view
#6: GPS at point
#7: Haveli in Fatehpur
ALL: All pictures on one page