the Degree Confluence Project

Poland : Podlaskie

near Borowskie Skórki, Podlaskie, Poland
Approx. altitude: 128 m (419 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 53°S 157°W

Accuracy: 25 m (82 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: South-East view #3: South-West view #4: North-West view #5: GPS reading #6: Landing Stork #7: Oats on ground zero #8: Visitor, village edge and a stork in the confluent zone

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  53°N 23°E (visit #3) (secondary) 

#1: North-East view

(visited by Vladimir Chernorutsky)


07-Июля-2017 -- От точки 50°N 19°E я поехал на северо-восток, к Белорусской границе. Более 500 км с заправкой, перекусом и небольшим отдыхом.

С дороги Е67 я съехал на дорогу 678 и в конце – южнее, к дороге 682 и потом к деревне Borowskie Skórki. Собственно, точка расположена в поле в 60 метрах от северо-западного края этой деревни. В отличие от визита 2001 года ни поле, ни ближайшие дома не были заброшенными. На поле зеленел овёс, и я не решился вытаптывать его, особенно на глазах местного крестьянина, с явным подозрением глядевшего на меня из-за ограды ближайшего участка. Точка располагалась всего в 23 метрах от юго-западного края поля.

Во время фотографирования грозный аист воинственно пролетел надо мной и уселся на конёк ближайшей крыши.

Данная конфлюенция не посещалась более 11 лет.

Данные посещения:

  • Пробег от предыдущей точки: 530 км
  • Время на точке (местное): 19.20
  • Высота: 130 м
  • Особенности пути: дорога вдоль поля
  • Погода: облачно, +24°C.

Продолжение тут: 53°N 25°E.


07-Jul-2017 -- From the confluence 50°N 19°E I drove to the northeast, towards the Belarusian border. It was over 500 km with refueling, light meal, and a little rest.

From the road E67 I moved to the road 678 and at the end – to the south, towards the road 682 and then to the village Borowskie Skórki. Actually, the point is located in a field, in 60 meters from the north-western edge of this village. Unlike the visit of 2001, neither the field nor the nearest houses were abandoned. The oats were green on the field, and I did not dare to trample it, especially in front of the eyes of a local peasant, who looked at me from behind the fence of the nearest site with a clear suspicion. The point was located only 23 meters from the south-western edge of the field.

During my photographing, the formidable stork flew belligerently over me and took a seat on the ridge of the nearest roof.

This confluence has not been visited for more than 11 years.

CP visit data:

  • Driving distance from previous confluence: 530 km
  • Local time at the CP: 19.20
  • Elevation: 130 m
  • Path conditions: a road along the crop field
  • Weather condition: partly cloudy, +24°C.

Continued here: 53°N 25°E.

 All pictures
#1: North-East view
#2: South-East view
#3: South-West view
#4: North-West view
#5: GPS reading
#6: Landing Stork
#7: Oats on ground zero
#8: Visitor, village edge and a stork in the confluent zone
ALL: All pictures on one page