the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : São Paulo

2.5 km (1.6 miles) NW of Vinhedo, São Paulo, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 734 m (2408 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 23°N 133°E

Accuracy: 20 m (65 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Looking North #3: Looking West #4: Looking South - The exact point is 20 meters behind Victor

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  23°S 47°W (visit #1)  

#1: Looking East

(visited by Frederico Jácome and Victor Jácome)

13-Oct-2001 -- English

Visitei esta confluência com o meu filho Victor.

A confluência fica aproximadamente 100 quilômetros a noroeste da cidade de São Paulo, entre as cidades de Valinhos e Vinhedo. Nós nos aproximamos da confluência com auxílio de um GPS. Ao chegar a cerca de 250 metros do ponto, percebemos que ele está localizado em uma propriedade privada. Pedimos permissão para fotografar o local e o dono permitiu assim que eu lhe expliquei a respeito do “Degree Confluence Project”.

Tirei fotografias com vistas para o sul, leste, norte e oeste. O simpático dono da propriedade aparece com o Victor na fotografia com vista para o norte.


I visited this confluence with my son Victor.

The confluence is approximately 100 kilometers northwest of the city of São Paulo, between the cities of Valinhos and Vinhedo. We approached the confluence with the aid of a GPS. About 250 meters from the point, we noticed that it is located inside a private property. We asked for permission to photograph the place and the owner was quite interested when I explained to him about the "Degree Confluence Project", allowing us to achieve our goal.

I took pictures with views to the south, east, north and west. The friendly owner of the property appears with Victor in the picture with the north view.

 All pictures
#1: Looking East
#2: Looking North
#3: Looking West
#4: Looking South - The exact point is 20 meters behind Victor
ALL: All pictures on one page