the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Minas Gerais

16.1 km (10.0 miles) E of Colônia Agro-Pecuária Brasilândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 558 m (1830 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 17°N 134°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North view #3: South view #4: East view #5: West view #6: GPS position #7: Dino, Elizabeti (wife) and Edgar (son)

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  17°S 46°W (visit #1)  

#1: View of exact point of confluence

(visited by Dino Ishikura)


30-Dec-2003 -- Partimos de Paracatu, por volta das 07:55h, em direcao a cidade de Joao Pinheiro, pela rodovia BR-040. Em seguida, pegamos a rodovia MG-181, em direcao norte, rumo a cidade de Brasilandia de Minas.

Faltando cerca de 10 km ao ponto de confluencia, a expectativa era muito grande, pois existia um grande morro, de cerca de 200 m, na direcao indicada. Mas, para a nossa felicidade, a cerca de 840 m do sope deste morro, encontramos o ponto exato, na faixa de rodagem da rodovia.

Era no limite da area urbana da cidade de Brasilandia de Minas, na Rodovia Santa Fe, bem na saida da cidade. A altitude registrada era de 552 m. Foi uma satisfacao muito grande.


30-Dec-2003 -- We left from Paracatu at 7h55, direction to the city of Joan Pinheiro, on highway BR-040. Then we took the MG-181 road towards the north in direction to the city of Brasilandia de Minas.

At 10 kms from the confluence our hopes where high, a mount was ahead. Fortunately for us we did not have to climb the 840m of it since the exact point is at the edge of the road.

It is at the limits of the urban area pf Brasilandia de Minas on the Santa Fe road as you exit the city.

Altitude registered was 522m. It was a great satisfaction.

 All pictures
#1: View of exact point of confluence
#2: North view
#3: South view
#4: East view
#5: West view
#6: GPS position
#7: Dino, Elizabeti (wife) and Edgar (son)
ALL: All pictures on one page