the Degree Confluence Project

Ukraine : Respublika Krym

1.7 km (1.1 miles) S of Simferepol' International Airport, Respublika Krym, Ukraine
Approx. altitude: 200 m (656 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 45°S 146°W

Accuracy: 10 m (32 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Map #3: West view. We reached this forest shelter-belt by car #4: East view #5: GPS proof #6: Poppies at CP #7: Whole poppy track

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  45°N 34°E (visit #1)  

#1: North view. Airport of Simferopol is in one and a half kilometre in front

(visited by Mike Karavanov and Dmytro Myzin)

Рассказ по-русски

English narrative

24-May-2004 -- We set out in search this CP straight away from the Simferopol airport. It was a blessing that we didn't have to make a long trip because CP was located in 2.5 km only from arrival hall. Our main fear was that CP will get on runway of the airport. First we drove on the highway in Simferopol direction, then we turned on the first turn to the right towards CP, crossed a fruit field and overcome a deep puddle and steep ascent on ours forward-control Pegeout (and - then it was discovered – pierced the trunk). Fortunately we seen southern border of the airport here and the field road along it. After jumping along forest belts we reached the CP at 170 meters distance. It was situated in the middle of the wheat field which was decorated with bright poppies.

Рассказ по-русски

24 Мая 2004 г. -- Мы отправились на поиски этой точки сразу из аэропорта города Симферополь. Благо от зала прилета до нее было всего 2.5 км. Основное наше опасение состояло в том, что точка попадет на взлетную полосу аэропорта. Сначала мы поехали по шоссе в сторону Симферополя, затем свернули на первом же повороте направо в направлении точки, пересекли фруктовое поле и успешно преодолели на нашем переднеприводном Пежо глубокую лужу и резкий подъем (и как потом выяснилось – прокололи шину). На наше счастье, здесь мы увидели бетонный забор аэропорта и полевую дорогу вдоль него. Попетляв и попрыгав по дорогам вдоль лесополос, мы подъехали к точке метров на 170. Она располагалась посреди поля, которое украшали яркие маки.

 All pictures
#1: North view. Airport of Simferopol is in one and a half kilometre in front
#2: Map
#3: West view. We reached this forest shelter-belt by car
#4: East view
#5: GPS proof
#6: Poppies at CP
#7: Whole poppy track
ALL: All pictures on one page