the Degree Confluence Project

Mongolia : Dzavhan

59.5 km (36.9 miles) SSW of Hungiy, Dzavhan, Mongolia
Approx. altitude: 1205 m (3953 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 48°S 86°W

Quality: good

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  48°N 94°E  

#1: North

(visited by Damiran G, G.Amgalan, E.Turtul, U.Lkhagvasuren, L.Magsar, S.Choidog, B.Galragchaa, N.Batbold, Ch.Byambajav, Z.Badam and D.Altantuya)

Mongolian Narrative

01-Sep-2011 --

G.Damiran, U.Lkhagvasuren, E.Turtul, G.Amarsanaa, D.Altantuya, G.Amgalan left from Uliastai city in order to locate N48-E94 point on morning of 31 August 2011. After going 154 km, we reached Durvuljin soum and slept the night there. In the morning of September 1st, we left the Durvuljin soum with Z.Badam, governor, Ch.Byambajav, chair of the citizen council, N.Batbold, director of the school, local people B.Galragchaa and L.Magsar, S.Choidog, driver. After going 104km, we located the confluence point N48-E94 around 17:00 hours. Confluence point was located in Tavantolgoi bag of Durvuljin soum place called “Kharmagiin suv” which was river basin and we confirmed the point with Garmen V GPS. Last 13 km to the point had obstacles since there was not any road and we went through sand.

Confluence point was located in unique location, which was in river basin area of Zavkhan River next to Sand Mountain. South side of the river was covered in bushes and there were lot of sea buckthorn. Next to the bushes, sand mountains continue and highest dune is called “Duutiin tsagaan mankhan”.

N48-E94 point was located 104 km from new center of Durvuljin soum and 1203 m above the sea level. We also like to note that point was located in the water of Zavkhan River.

Mongolian Narrative

Аялагч Дөрвөлжин сумын ИТХ-ын дарга Ч.Бямбажав, засаг дарга З.Бадам, сургуулийн захирал Н.Батболд, нутгийн иргэн Б.Галрагчаа, Л.Магсар, С.Чойдог, Г.Амарсанаа, Д.Алтантуяа, Г.Амгалан, Э.Төртул, У.Лхагвасүрэн нараа

Та бүхэн төрлөх нутагтаа байгаа N48-E94 цэг дээр очсон энэ дэлхийн анхны хүмүүс болон бүртгэгдлээ. Энэ сайтыг нээх бүрд тан бүхэн болон нутгийн ард олондоо амжилт бүтээл хүсэн мэндчилж байна.

Нутаг орон минь үүрд ариун тансаг байг. Г.Дамиран

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#7: Local administration
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In the Sharbulag River.