20-Jan-2006 -- A tar road heading west out of Rundu and sign-posted to Nkurenkuru becomes gravel after 20 km. The gravel road that continues is not bad and the nearest point this road passes to the confluence is 18.7 km. Numerous small tracks branch off this road away from the Kavango River. As the land near the river becomes over-utilized and less productive, local farmers are forced to farm further away from the river and these tracks provide the farmers with access to their land.
The recent rain has made the bush very dense, since when all the trees are harvested for fuel, low level bush rapidly encroaches making walking very difficult. However, the sandy tracks, which would be very challenging in the dry season, are now easier to pass.
This was our second attempt in the space of a week for this Confluence. The first had us on a wild goose chase bouncing up anything resembling a navigable path, finally being defeated by the bush 7.27 km short of the Confluence and without time to undertake the hike. But there had to be a closer access point and sure enough there was. With the help of a detailed map showing all the tracks and villages, it appeared a track towards Ehafo would pass very close to our goal. It did...
Despite our GPS offering a walk of 667 m from the track, due to the dense nature of the bush we meandered our way to the confluence covering 850 m!
The best access point is a track bearing left 300 m after the Rupara Junior Secondary School on the road to Nkurenkuru.