the Degree Confluence Project

Canada : British Columbia

48.7 km (30.2 miles) S of Dease Lake, BC, Canada
Approx. altitude: 992 m (3254 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo topo250 ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 58°S 50°E

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: view to west #3: view to east #4: view to north #5: the instrument proof #6: we at the confluence point #7: starting point of the hike in a forestry trail (3km from confluence point) #8: swampy part 1km from the confluence point #9: ancient decayed cabin 2km from confluence point #10: black bears crossing the highway 37 not far from the starting point of the hike

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  58°N 130°W  

#1: view to south

(visited by Genadi Giebler and Regina Giebler)


14-May-2010 -- The visit has been done in connection with a RV trip via British Columbia. Going to north on the highway 37 we have used the opportunity to hike through the untouched boreal forest up these point.

The hike had two difficulties:
1. The Taiga was very tight and swampy in parts.
2. A lot of bears was present in this forest, mostly black bears but some Grizzlies also. We saw some of them directly along the highway 37.

About 3km far from the confluence point we have parked the car in a forestry trail and has been started the hike. Often there changed swampy parts and tight brushwood.

At the way back we have discovered an ancient decayed cabin.

We have reached the point at 2 p.m. PST (the watch shows MET).


14-May-2010 -- Der Besuch erfolgte im Zusammenhang mit einer Wohnmobilreise durch British Columbia. Auf der Fahrt entlang des Highway 37 in Richtung Nord nutzten wir die Gelegenheit, um durch die unberührte Taiga zu diesem Punkt zu wandern.

Die Wanderung hatte zwei Schwierigkeiten:
1. Die Taiga war sehr undurchdringlich und streckenweise sumpfig.
2. Es waren sehr viele Bären in diesem Gebiet - meist Schwarzbären, aber auch Grizzlies. Wir sahen auf der Anfahrt einige von ihnen direkt am Highway 37.

Etwa 3km vom Konfluenzpunkt entfernt stellten wir das Wohnmobil in einem Forstweg ab und gingen zu Fuss los. Häufig wechselten sumpfige Abschnitte und dichtes Unterholz.

Auf dem Rückweg entdeckten wir eine verfallene Trapperhütte.

Wir erreichten den Punkt gegen 14:00 Pazific Standard Time (Die Uhr zeigt MEZ).

 All pictures
#1: view to south
#2: view to west
#3: view to east
#4: view to north
#5: the instrument proof
#6: we at the confluence point
#7: starting point of the hike in a forestry trail (3km from confluence point)
#8: swampy part 1km from the confluence point
#9: ancient decayed cabin 2km from confluence point
#10: black bears crossing the highway 37 not far from the starting point of the hike
ALL: All pictures on one page