the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : San Juan

8.5 km (5.3 miles) SW of Ampacama, San Juan, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 658 m (2158 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 31°N 112°E

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North #3: West #4: South #5: The exact confluence point #6: Crossing the river on a boat #7: At river shore after cross it

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  31°S 68°W (visit #2)  

#1: East

(visited by Nicolas von Lapcevic)


08-Jun-2008 --

La primera semana del presente Junio, 3 amigos aladeltistas, Omar Vega, Nicolas von Lapcevic y Rubén Suvire visitamos esta pagina y observamos que existía una confluencia sin visitar en una zona que estábamos explorando, el cerro Pié de Palo en el sector norte. Esta zona nos interesó sobremanera ya que hasta allí no habíamos llegado. El día 1º del presente junio intentamos llegar y nos vimos impedidos de alcanzar la confluencia a tan solo 1km de distancia del objetivo ya que en 1º instancia perdimos mucho tiempo, pues nuestro vehículo, una Trafic de tracción simple, no nos pudo acercar mas de 9 Km. del punto, pues la arena y la maleza nos impedía seguir. Emprendimos la marcha a pie pero el río Zanjon se nos atravesaba y si bien el caudal no comprometía la expedición, las altas horas de la tarde nos obligaban a regresar guiándonos en la noche solo con el GPS al punto donde habíamos dejado el vehículo (foto #1).

Una semana mas tarde, el día sábado 7 salimos a la tarde con idea de hacer noche y llegar o llegar, para ello nos aprovisionamos de un pequeño bote inflable. La fortuna hizo que encontráramos una huella que nos acercó mas hasta las orillas del rió (foto #2). Las laderas del mismo son acantilados de unos 4 o 5 metros de altura de pura greda muy incomodas de trepar (foto #3). Todo esto no causó mella en nuestro entusiasmo, cruzamos el río (foto #4) pudiendo superar todos los obstáculos y sobre el medio día del domingo 8 de junio estábamos sobre la confluencia.

El paisaje una llanura tipo barreal muy extensa con vegetación de baja altura tipo jarillas y en el horizonte cercano las sierras de Pie de Palo al sur, las de Chávez, Elizondo y Riveros al este, al oeste las sierras del Villicum y una gran pampa al norte enmarcaban nuestro paisaje.

Nuestro retorno se complicó tras nuestro cansancio, una maniobra errónea nos dejó atascado en un lodazal de arcilla salada a las 20 horas, hasta las 2 de la mañana del lunes hicimos todo lo posible para mover el vehículo (foto #10), pero el frío y el cansancio nos obligaron a pasar la noche y emprender las tareas el lunes con la salida del sol, sobre las 11 de la mañana, tras aplicar la idea de Omar (foto #11), de colocar un soguin para emular una cadena para nieve, logramos movernos y todo el trayecto por el lodazal lo hicimos apuntando a pasar por sobre la poca vegetación existente.


08-Jun-2008 --

The first week of June, 3 friends, Omar Vega, Nicholas von Lapcevic and Rubén Suvire, visited this page and we observed that there was an unvisited confluence in a zone existed in a area we were exploring, Pie de Palo hill in the northern sector. This zone interested to us excessively since until we had not visit there yet. On June 1st, we tried to arrive and we were close to reach the confluence only 1km of distance of the objective, because we wasted long time, first our vehicle, a Trafic of simple traction, could not approach to us but of 9 km. of the point, because the sand and the weeds prevented us to follow. We started a march on foot but the Zanjon river was crossed to us and although the volume did not jeopardize the expedition, it was very late and we had to return at night guiding to us single with the GPS the point where we had left the vehicle (photo #1).

One week later, Saturday 7th we left afternoon to with idea spend the night on the way to the confluence. Fortune was on our side, caused that we found a track that approached to up to river shore (photo #2). The shore slopes was pretty high about 4 or 5 meters of very uncomfortable to climb (photo #3). All this did not cause cut our enthusiasm, we cross the river (photo #4) and we overcome all the obstacles and at noon Sunday 8th we were on the confluence.

Landscape is a very extensive plain with low height trees and in the horizon near the mountain ranges standing up of Pié de Palo, Chávez, Elizondo and Riveros to the east, on west the mountain ranges of Villicum and a great pampas to the north framed our landscape.

Our return was very complicated, due to our fatigue, an erroneous maneuver left clogged in a salty clay at 20 hours, and up to at 2 am of Monday we did all possible maneuver to release our vehicle (photo #10), but cold and fatigue forced to us to spend the night and to undertake the tasks in the morning once the sun rise. At 11 in the morning, after applying Omar’s idea (photo #11), to place a rope to emulate a chain for snow, we managed to move and finally we released the vehicle.

Coordinator's Note: Visitor didn't get uploaded to the website the views from the Confluence. The coordinator tried to contact him several times, but visitor never answered. Consequently, this confluence visit can only be registered as "incomplete" because it does not meet the DCP Photo Requirements in its current state of submission.

After submission of the necessary pictures, this visit may still become upgraded to "successful" later on.

 All pictures
#1: East
#2: North
#3: West
#4: South
#5: The exact confluence point
#6: Crossing the river on a boat
#7: At river shore after cross it
ALL: All pictures on one page