the Degree Confluence Project

Brazil : Goiás

50.2 km (31.2 miles) N of Crixás, Goiás, Brazil
Approx. altitude: 292 m (957 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 14°N 130°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: East #3: South #4: West #5: GPS #6: Holding the GPS on the point #7: Wiew of mountains - Going to the confluence

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  14°S 50°W (visit #1)  

#1: Wiew of the confluence - North

(visited by Guto - Jose Augusto de S. Barroso, Luis Pedro and Pedro Emílio)

20-Jul-2003 --

Go to English version

Portuguese Version:

Tudo começou no fim de expediente de uma sexta feira, dia 18 de julho, após a conquista da confluência S16W45 no domingo anterior. O Luís Pedro planejava ficar em casa no fim de semana para por as coisas em ordem. Neste mesmo dia (Sexta), estava ele no trabalho, quando seu primo José Augusto (Auguston) ligou e disse:

-Vamos pra fazenda do Tio Roberto que eu preciso verificar um gado.

O Luís Pedro rapidamente olhou o mapa e constatou que haviam duas confluências próximas a fazenda, e logo respondeu:

-Vamos nessa, quando partimos?
-Agora, disse o José Augusto.

O Luis Pedro saiu correndo do serviço e foi preparar o equipamento necessário para a aventura! Na casa do Luis Pedro, logo chegou o José Augusto, disparou ligações para recrutar mais gente para a trip enquanto decidiam qual carro usar. Não tinham muito tempo, e além do mais, o resto do grupo não decidia logo se iria acompanhar os dois, portanto resolveram deixar a galera pra trás, poupando desta maneira o “GeoTank”, o veículo tátil do grupo.

O Plano era sair de Brasília com destino a Anápolis e lá deixar o carro (Gol ) do Luis Pedro na empresa do Beto (Tio), em seguida, pegar a Belém - Brasília (BR-153) até o trevo de Itapací-GO. Por fim, no carro do Beto, chegar até a fazenda em Santa Teresinha de Goiás. E foi exatamente o que foi feito.
Ao chegar em Itapací, fizeram um lanche rápido, conferiram a balada, que estava legal, mas logo seguiram para a fazenda onde foi improvisado um acampamento dentro da sede. Dormiram com os morcegos.

No dia seguinte 19, Sábado, ainda estavam em dúvida se iriam seguir para a confluência, verificaram o gado (a missão), almoçaram e foram tomar banho no rio, foi quando “bateu a pilha” e resolveram partir para a confluência próxima à Crixás S14W50. Então partiram por volta das 14:10, o carro não tinha muito combustível, porém para poupar tempo, o Luis Pedro teve a brilhante idéia de passar batido pelos postos de abastecimento de Sta Teresa e abastecer somente em Crixás. Chegando lá, estavam empolgados com a aventura e resolveram passar direto sem abastecer! Aí começou a estrada de terra, faltava uns 40Km até a confluência e começaram a perceber que o combustível não era suficiente!!
Estavam se movendo a 30Km/h a uns 10Km do ponto, e já conformados em dormir na confluência quando encontram um pequeno vilarejo, não havia asfalto algum, porém encontraram um posto de abastecimento, as bombas eram literalmente cravadas na “terra”.

O Luis Pedro perguntou ao frentista:

-Tem Gás aí? (gasolina)
E ele respondeu:
-Não, o gás acabou! (OLP)
Luis Pedro:
-Não tem Gasolina?
-Gasolina tem!

Ótimo, naquele momento ficaram mais aliviados. Só tinha um detalhe, nenhum deles tinham dinheiro. O Luis Pedro revirou sua mochila de cabeça pra baixo e encontrou uma gaita de estimação, alemã, uma Honner que sua irmã lhe trouxe da Alemanha de lembrança. Logo explicou a situação para o frentista e ele topou ficar com a gaita em troca dos R$10,00 de gasolina.
Naquele momento todos estavam eufóricos, seguiram os 10km que restavam, até que o GPS acusou a menor distância da confluência que conseguiram chegar de carro. Estacionaram o carro e caminharam 1Km restante até o ponto.

Foi assim a segunda conquista do TocaBrasil. S14W50, Estavam presente: Luis Pedro, José Augusto, e o primo Pedro Emilio (Não sabia nem o que era uma confluência, reclamou o tempo inteiro na ida, e ao chegar no ponto, já estava empolgadíssimo, achando o máximo, e se considerando membro do TocaBrasil). Tiraram as fotos rapidamente pois o sol já estava se esvaindo. Voltaram para o carro, tiraram mais algumas fotos da geomorfologia local (rochas metamórficas apresentando xistosidade). A noite logo se instaurou enquanto voltavam pela estrada, chegaram a fazenda por volta das 20:00 e o Tio Roberto já estava preocupado. Saíram para comemorar no agito local e retornaram para Brasília no domingo dia 20 com a sensação de mais uma missão cumprida.

Grupo Toca Brasil.

English Version:

It all started at the end of a working Friday, that was the 18th of July, after the conquest of the S16W45 confluence on the Sunday before. Luis Pedro had planed to stay at home on the weekend to put some chores in day.

On the same day, he was at work he got a call from his cousin Jose Augusto (Auguston):

- Auguston: Lets go to Uncle Roberto s farm because I want to check my cattle.

Luis Pedro quickly looked at his map and noticed that there were two confluence near Uncle Roberto´s farm and soon answered.

- Luis Pedro: Let´s go then, so when do we leave?
- Auguston: Now!

Luis Pedro rapidly left work and went to sort out the necessary equipment for their adventure. At Luis Pedro’s, soon Jose Augusto arrived, and started to ring up to get more troops for the trip while they decided to use which car.

They didn’t have much time, and after wall the rest of the group had still not decided if they would join our two heroes. So they decided to leave the group behind and gallantly do the adventure alone.
So to make this trip on their bare resources, they decided to use “Geo Tank”, the tactical vehicle of the group. The plan was to leave Brasilia with the destination of Anapolis and leave the Luis Pedro´s Gol, at Uncle Beto´s company; soon they followed to Belem-Brasilia route BR-153 with a split in Itapací-GO.

At the end, in Uncle Beto´s car they arrived at his farm in Santa Teresinha de Goiás.
As soon as they arrived at Itapací, they made a quick snack and went to check out what was happening in town, they went to a fairly lively party that was very entertaining, but soon they went their way to the farm, where they had improvised a camp site in the farm.
On the next morning, the 19th, a Saturday, but were still in doubt to go to the confluence, check Auguston´s cattle (their main mission) or lunch and bathe at a local river, when it really kicked in and they decided to do the confluence near Crixás S14W50.

So around two in the afternoon, they noticed that the car was low on fuel and to save time, Luis Pedro had the brilliant idea of not stopping by in Sta Teresa and only refuel in Crixás getting there, and they were very hyped up with their own adventure that they decided to do the trip with out refuelling at all.
By then, the dirt track started; there was only some forty kilometres to go, till arriving at the confluence. And it finally hit them that they were not going to make it because they were low on fuel.
They were driving at bout 30Km per hour for some ten kilometres at this point, they had decided to sleep at the actual confluence when the saw a small village, which had no tarmac at all, although they found a Petrol station, the pumps were literally engraved in to the earth it self.

Luis Pedro asked the station serviceman:

You got any Gas? (Fuel)
Serviceman - Nope the gas is finished.
LP - You ve got no gasoline?
Serviceman - Yes we have gasoline

Great, at that moment they were a bit more relived, except there was one slight problem, neither had any cash. Luis Pedro, looked inside his bag, head to toe and found a German Honner harmonica, which his sister brought him back from Germany as a souvenir.
Soon they explained the situation to the serviceman and he decided to keep the harmonica for ten reais of gasoline.

At that moment both were euphoric, they followed the ten kilometres that were left over, then the noticed that their GPS, told them that the shortest path was to go the last kilometre by foot to arrive at their final destination.

And that was how the second conquest of “TocaBrasil” was made.
S14W50, was done by Luis Pedro, Auguston and their cousin Pedro Emilio, that didn’t even know what a confluence was a complaining all the way there and when arriving at the destination, he was hyped up that he was now a member of the now legendary “TocaBrasil”.
The photographs were taken with speed because the sun was soon setting; they returned to the car and took a few photos of the local rock formations.
Night soon came among them while they were returning to the farm by road and they finally arrived at eight pm. Uncle Beto was already very worried.
They soon went out to comemorate their success in town and returned to Brasilia, the next morning with the sensation of mission accomplished.

Group TocaBrasil

 All pictures
#1: Wiew of the confluence - North
#2: East
#3: South
#4: West
#5: GPS
#6: Holding the GPS on the point
#7: Wiew of mountains - Going to the confluence
ALL: All pictures on one page