24-Dec-2002 -- Our second in two days and one of some fame. It's the closest one to the Walkabout Creek hotel, made famous by being the pub in the 'Crocodile Dundee' movie. Of course it's too far inland and too dry for crocodiles, but it never pays to let the facts get in the way of a good story.
My Father and I had to take a little drive to Cloncurry, so we decided to detour down the 'Gidyea Bug Byway' to McKinlay and check out the famous pub they have. Unfortunately we got there before opening time so lost a good place for a beer.
Onwards to the confluence which was on 'Elrose' Brahman stud.
Our luck was still bad as we found the confluence was 460 metres on the wrong side of a dingo fence. Our luck changed when we went to the excellent homestead and Lorena Jefferis was only too happy to show us where the gate was and let us drive all the way to the point.
The altimeter read 182 metres and we were done by 10:30.
We had a curious horse who we had to keep from going through the gate on our trip out, but the healthy and docile brahman bulls on the other side had no interest in anything more than staying in the shade.