the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : El Neuquén

4.7 km (2.9 miles) SW of Challacó, Neuquén, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 412 m (1351 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 39°N 111°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: West view #3: South view #4: East view #5: GPS  S 39° W 69° #6: Ricardo at S 39° W 69° #7: Dirty road cut by creek

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  39°S 69°W (visit #2)  

#1: North view

(visited by Ricardo J. Rey Leyes)


29-Jun-2008 --

Salí de Neuquen hacia el sur por la ruta 22, al pasar el cruce de Challacó, a unos pocos kilómetros empecé a buscar por donde poder ingresar a los campos, porque el GPS me marcaba unos 2700 mts hacia el Norte de la ruta.

Encontré 2 tranqueras en la zona, la más cercana al cruce de Challacó estaba atada con alambres por todos lados, difíciles de desarmar sin herramientas y menos sin el permiso del propietario, y la segunda, era un paso abierto unos kilómetros más hacia Plaza Huincul. En vista de ello, intenté entrar por esa con mi pick-up, desde la ruta el GPS marcaba 3,7 Km. a la confluencia y el camino parecía el indicado porque iba derecho hacia la 39S 69W.

Al poco trecho apareció un cañadón con agua imposible de vadear con el vehículo y mojarse con el frío y viento que hacía tampoco daba. Di la vuelta y me fui a la tranquera atada con alambres, deje la chata al costado de la ruta y empecé a caminar por una huella tan linda que lamenté que esa tranquera estuviera tan atada, pero luego de caminar unos 500 mts la huella estaba cortada por un cañadón que corre al lado de esta, así que pensé que bueno haber ido a pie !!!

Llegué a la confluencia 39S 69W y luego de sacar las fotos y mirar un poco los alrededores emprendí el regreso. Fue una linda caminata al fresco de la patagonia en invierno, entre ida y vuelta hice unos 6 Km. a píe.


29-Jun-2008 --

I set out from Neuquen towards the south by route 22, when arrived the crossing of Challacó, few kilometers ahead I began to look for a road to be able to enter the fields, because GPS were displaying that the target was about 2700 mts towards north of the route.

I found 2 gates in the zone, nearest the crossing of Challacó but they were tied with wires by all around, difficult to disarm less without tools and without the permission of the owner, and second, it was an open access more kilometers towards Plaza Huincul, given such, I tried to enter by that open access with my pick-up. From the route the GPS marked 3.7 km. to the confluence and the way it seemed to be the right one because it went straight to 39S 69W.

In a short time I arrived to a creek with water impossible to pass with the vehicle and get wet with the cold and wind was out of question. I return and I went to the gate tied with wires, leaves my pickup beside the route and I began to walk by. The path was very pretty, but after walking about 500 mts the track was cut by a creek that runs beside to road, so I thought that was a good decision having gone on foot!.

I arrived at the confluence 39S 69W and once the photos was taken and watch a little the surrounding I started my way back. It was one pretty long walk with winter fresh air of Patagonia. The roundtrip hike I made was about 6 km.

 All pictures
#1: North view
#2: West view
#3: South view
#4: East view
#5: GPS S 39° W 69°
#6: Ricardo at S 39° W 69°
#7: Dirty road cut by creek
ALL: All pictures on one page