05-Feb-2007 --Aprovechando el puente del 5/feb aceptamos la invitacion de Toño para visitar su rancho cañero al sur de Cd. Valles una verdadera delicia para los niños.
Una experiencia humeda pues nos llovio 48 horas initerrumpidas, cosa nada extraña en la Huasteca pero si fuera de tiempo.
Efectivamente esta confluencia es relativamente sencilla mas no para lograr el cero, ya que debe encontrarse en una propiedad privada (ver foto hacia el oeste).
El equipo rapidamente se entusiasmo del proyecto pues como veran son 4 familias "naturistas" 100%.
Gracias Toño and Claudia!!
05-Feb-2007 Feb 5th is a holiday in Mexico (constitution day) so we delightfully accepted Antonio's invitation to visit his ranch in Cd. Valles (core city of the Huasteca region and famous for its sugar cane fields).
The long weekend was a wet experience for it rain 48 continuous hours, not odd in la Huasteca but a bit off season.
The confluence is an easy one, but provided it is in a suburb the zero-dance can be interpreted as a suspicious activity. In the Huasteca region (more than 1 million Nahuatl natives), communities have eyes and ears to protect themselves, friendly people to bones but city sleekers with strange gadgets and cameras might not be a friendly move).
4 families joifully participated in the quest, all "naturists" because of their BScout heritage.
Thanks Toño and Claudia!!