15-Nov-2008 -- This Confluence was visited in the afternoon of 15 November 2008. It was exactly on our route from Tāzirbū to the ghost oasis Bazīma, 125 km southeast and only 6 km away from the point. Bazīma is a beautiful site at the shore of a large salty lake with a chain of mountains in the background. Today the village is inhabited only by myriads of mosquitoes.
Although the country is flat and sandy, it was not possible to drive a straight course because we had to pass around Ghaddafi's "Great Manmade River Project". With incredible effort fossile water is pumped from sources deep in the ground at numerous places in the middle of the desert. Then the costly fluid (bottled drinking water in Libya is indeed 3 times more expensive than petrol!) gets pumped through huge pipelines to the coast 600 km away. The grid of the pump- and pipeline system is easily visible on satellite pictures.