04-Sep-2005 -- I went to the confluence while me and my family were visiting in-laws in Chakwāl. This the second in line after 33N 72E. On Sunday at 1:25 PM, first, we (my son Hammad, my brother-in-law Asif Mahmood, his son Ali, and myself) went to Chak Nurang in about 15 minutes. Then we turned right to Bhin, after another 15 minutes, before Bhin we reached a small road on the right. The point is in a field prepared for some crop. We took the picture of GPS and around in each direction. But when I returned to Islāmābād (to my computer), the digital camera had failed for the GPS photos for both the confluence we have visited. It is because the flash was left on and the GPS screen give a reflection. Any way, I am planning to visit the place again in a couple of weeks.