25-Sep-2005 -- It was time to go out confluencing again and I decided that a visit to 48N-101W would be entirely appropriate for my 101st confluence visit.
My approach was from the east. I stopped and asked permission at the nearest farmhouse to the north where there was activity in the driveway. It was not their land, but since nothing was currently growing in the field, they said it would not be a problem. I parked near a tall tree and took a quick sighting across the field and then began a dead reckoning path to the confluence. My ranging was very close, however an azimuth error placed me about 60 meters south after hiking a distance of about .5km over a plowed field.
Picture #1 shows some new grass growing in the confluence general area. Picture #2 looks north. Picture #3 looks east. Picture #4 looks south. Picture #5 looks west. Picture #6 shows a perfect confluence reading on my GPS.
Round trip from the intersection of ND-23 and 195th St SE was 1.5 miles and 20 minutes.