the Degree Confluence Project

Kazakhstan : Qaraghandy

3.0 km (1.9 miles) SE of Saratovskiy, Qaraghandy, Kazakhstan
Approx. altitude: 563 m (1847 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 50°S 107°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Karaghandy-Temirtau highway #3: CP on the topo map #4: “Temirtau is metallurgist city” sign near CP #5: Searching... #6: North view #7: East view #8: South view #9: West view #10: New hunter Marsel

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  50°N 73°E (visit #1)  

#1: CP overview

(visited by Mike Karavanov and Marsel Shaihetdinov)

Рассказ по-русски

English narrative

17-Feb-2006 -- The CP is located 300 meters east of the Karaghandy-Temirtau highway in open steppe. From Karaghandy city centre to the CP is slightly more than 20 km. My colleague Marsel and I reached the point in only half an hour. Near the sign “Temirtau -- the city of metallurgists” we left the car and arrived at the CP knee-deep in snow. It situated near the farther power transmission pole. Far to the north you can see the smoking factory chimneys of metallurgical giant Mittal Steel Temirtau. Formerly it was called KarMetCombine and was the pride of the first of the Soviet five-year plans.

Рассказ по-русски

17-Feb-2006 -- Точка находится в 300 метрах на восток от автомобильной трассы Караганда-Темиртау в открытой степи. От центра Караганды до нее чуть больше 20 километров. Мы с коллегой Марселем добрались до нее всего за полчаса. Около указателя “Темиртау – город металлургов” мы оставили машину и по колено в снегу добрались до точки. Она расположена недалеко от опоры второй высоковольтной ЛЭП. Вдалеке на севере видны дымящиеся трубы металлургического гиганта Mittal Steel Temirtau. Когда-то он назывался КарМетКомбинат, и был гордостью первых советских пятилеток.

 All pictures
#1: CP overview
#2: Karaghandy-Temirtau highway
#3: CP on the topo map
#4: “Temirtau is metallurgist city” sign near CP
#5: Searching...
#6: North view
#7: East view
#8: South view
#9: West view
#10: New hunter Marsel
ALL: All pictures on one page