30-Jun-2006 -- Driving on I-80 east of Wells, Nevada, my GPS receiver's navigation software directed me onto Pilot Road, and then onto a very narrow, rough dirt road that eventually led to TL Bar Ranch Road. TL Bar Ranch Road runs just 0.8 miles East of the confluence point; however, there's a rough gravel road at this point that heads up the hill, ending up just 0.3 miles away.
The confluence point is marked by a rocky cairn, which covers a metal box containing a 'geocache'. The geocache's log book shows many visitors, only a few of whom have also registered their visit with the Degree Confluence Project.
The confluence point overlooks a dry lake bed (to the East). A historic old settler's cabin (the Eugene Munsee Cabin) is visible near the lakeshore. To the West is 10,716 foot Pilot Peak (in Nevada).