03-May-2006 -- We decided to go try to make the confluence point that Rob's older brother and friends had failed to achieve the year before. So, we went out and bought a GPS and some food, and then headed off on the 3.5 hour journey to the point only stopping for some 5 patty burgers at A&W on the way.
We got to the point around 9pm when it was already dark (and snowing) but tried to hike for a few hours with just our headlamps to make it a few kilometers before setting up camp.
In the morning after waking up we looked at the GPS first thing to see how far we had gone. It was the worst tangle of paths we had ever seen. We remembered coming upon our own footsteps several times while trying to find our way around marshy areas and puddles. In the morning we saw that one puddle we had come upon several times was actually a very large pond. We ended up having to cross it using a beaver dam! We never would have been able to find that in the dark.
We got quite far before having to turn around at lunch time a mere 7km away from the confluence.
It would be much more doable in the winter when the ponds and rivers are frozen.