the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Stavropol'skiy kray

4.8 km (3.0 miles) SSE of Stavropol', Stavropol'skiy kray, Russia
Approx. altitude: 508 m (1666 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 45°S 138°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View the Stavropol uphill #3: Map #4: Our track to CP in Zor'ka gardening fellowship #5: East view. Crater right at the CP #6: South view #7: West view #8: Alexander on the spot #9: "45th parallel": Street, Drugstore and Vodka!

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  45°N 42°E (visit #2)  

#1: View from CP to North

(visited by Mike Karavanov and Alexandr Frolov)


12-Apr-2007 – Эта точка расположена совсем недалеко от городской черты Ставрополя. С нее открывается хороший вид на город, расположенный на возвышенности. Дорога до нее заняла всего полчаса по шоссе A154. Точка находится на самом краю садоводческого товарищества “Зорька”. В сухую погоду прямо на нее можно заехать на автомобиле.

Точка попала на пока неосвоенный участок, прямо на ее месте расположена глубокая воронка. Александр подтвердил наше местоположение с помощью двух GPS приемников и программы Google Earth.

Жители Ставрополя оказались на удивление хорошо подкованными в вопросах географии и совершенно не удивлялись разговорам про параллели и меридианы. Оказывается, 45-я параллель фигурирует в названиях местных улицы, аптеки и даже водки. Жаль, незаслуженно забыт 42-й меридиан – а ведь именно он делит город на две части.


12-Apr-2007 – This CP is located shortly south of Stavropol city. The CP has a nice view the city uphill. We reached it from city centre in thirty minutes along the A154 route. CP is at the edge of “Zor’ka” gardening fellowship. In dry weather you can easily get it right in a car.

The Point hit on undeveloped lot; the deep crater was right at the spot. Alexander confirmed our position using two GPS receivers and Google Earth software.

Surprisingly, the Stavropol inhabitants were well qualified in the geography and they were not surprised completely of our talk about parallels and meridians. It turned out, that 45th parallel appears in the names of local street, drugstore and even vodka. What a pity that 42nd meridian was forgotten wrongly because it divided the city into two parts.

 All pictures
#1: View from CP to North
#2: View the Stavropol uphill
#3: Map
#4: Our track to CP in Zor'ka gardening fellowship
#5: East view. Crater right at the CP
#6: South view
#7: West view
#8: Alexander on the spot
#9: "45th parallel": Street, Drugstore and Vodka!
ALL: All pictures on one page