07-Jul-2007 -- After conquering N43 E145, I went back at Kushiro-city and passed to Shiranuka-town.
After passing the central of Shiranuka, I followed the Route 392 to Honbetsu, then d I crossed Ohnae-bridge and drove local road about three kilo meters.
It was the closest point on the road 800 meters East from the confluence. It was at 10:18 AM.
The meadows was in front of me , but a tractor was just under working, so I crossed the neighboring field. The edge of the field, there was a stream and it was meadow over the stream. I climbed the north side hill and went the re-entrant. After reaching 118 meter height peak, I directly went down to the target at the bottom of re-entrant.
It was heavy fight in thicket of bamboo grass , with height of my waist.
I reached the confluence at 11:02 AP, this meant it took about 40 minutes. It was an open area around the target, so easy to take photos.
During returning along the re-entrant, I troubled so much with meadow.