the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Arkansas

4.4 miles (7.1 km) NNE of Goodwin, St. Francis, AR, USA
Approx. altitude: 64 m (209 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 35°S 89°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Looking north from 35N 91W. #3: Looking east from 35N 91W. #4: Looking south from 35N 91W. #5: Looking west from 35N 91W. #6: Ten zeroes with a little wet ground cover. #7: Using Google Earth to show my parking spot and the location of three other photos. #8: 35N 91W sits just west (right) of this ditch. #9: This east-west farm road lies just north of 35N 91W. #10: 35N 91W as seen from the far northeast corner of the adjoining field.

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  35°N 91°W (visit #3)  

#1: 35N 91W sits on the edge of a drainage ditch in the middle of farm country.

(visited by Woody Harrell)

22-Oct-2007 -- Yet another wet weather visit… The preceding weekend at home had been absolutely glorious: pleasant temperatures, and not a cloud in the sky! So, as I had to make a trip to Little Rock on Monday, I decided this would be a great time to leave a little early and update two nearby points on the 35th parallel. However, the weather began to change on Sunday afternoon, and as I headed west past Memphis, Tennessee, on Monday morning, the rains became heavier and heavier. It was tempting to stay on Interstate Highway 40 and save this adventure for another day.

Although traffic on the interstate is plainly visible from the cp, the closest exit is several miles to the west, so I had to backtrack on U.S. 70. The surrounding area is very flat farm land crisscrossed by an irregular pattern of north-south and east-west roads. I first tried a gravel road from the south (SFC 102) that brought me within a little over a mile of the cp, but given the rainy weather and the muddy conditions (not to mention the still missing Road SFC113, which indeed seems to have disappeared under a farmer’s plow!), I was hoping to find a shorter hike. I tried an approach from the east, only to be turned back when I encountered a large section of gravel road under water, which I wasn’t sure my light 2WD pickup truck could handle. Continuing in a counter-clockwise circle, I saw a number of farm houses whose yards were completely submerged. Finally, I was able to approach on Road SFC 130 and Ray Hurt Road to within a third of a mile of the cp. A short walk later, I stood with two very wet feet at 35N 91W.

Although over three years had passed since the last recorded visit, the area looks unchanged since the last report. Like the Frickey/Corrigan team, and as shown on Google Earth, I found the point on the west side of a long straight ditch. Two days earlier I might have been able to add some better pictures, but in the rain my best efforts were dull and gray.

Maybe things would be brighter later in the day at 35N 93W...

 All pictures
#1: 35N 91W sits on the edge of a drainage ditch in the middle of farm country.
#2: Looking north from 35N 91W.
#3: Looking east from 35N 91W.
#4: Looking south from 35N 91W.
#5: Looking west from 35N 91W.
#6: Ten zeroes with a little wet ground cover.
#7: Using Google Earth to show my parking spot and the location of three other photos.
#8: 35N 91W sits just west (right) of this ditch.
#9: This east-west farm road lies just north of 35N 91W.
#10: 35N 91W as seen from the far northeast corner of the adjoining field.
ALL: All pictures on one page