the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Voronezhskaya oblast'

1.6 km (1.0 miles) WNW of Lepyokhinka, Voronezhskaya oblast', Russia
Approx. altitude: 185 m (606 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 51°S 139°W

Accuracy: 7 m (22 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the North #3: View to the East #4: View to the South #5: At the point #6: Hunters #7: After skiing #8: Leningradskiy village

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  51°N 41°E (visit #1) (secondary) 

#1: View to the West

(visited by Oleg Pomogaev and serge romanowski)


23-Фев-2008 – Мы выехали из Москвы утром по трассе М4, свернули с нее примерно в 80 км за Воронежем и спустя час прибыли в город Бобров. Переночевав, мы направились к поселку Таловая, затем пересекли его и проследовали еще около 20 км по дороге в направлении деревни Анохинки. Оставив машину в поле в паре километров к югу от населенного пункта Ленинградский, заключительные два с половиной километра до точки проделали на лыжах. Дождь, сыпавшийся из густых облаков, промочил нас до нитки. Точка пересечения была обнаружена на южном краю оврага, который пришлось форсировать из-за неверного выбора маршрута. Лыжная прогулка в обратном направлении подтвердила возможность посещения точки, вообще не покидая машины.


23-Feb-2008 – We started out from Moscow along M4 route in the morning. We took a turn about 80 km after Voronezh city and an hour later we entered the town of Bobrov. Having spent the night there, we headed towards Talovaya town, passed it through and then drove south-east for about 20 km along the road towards Anokhinka village. The car was stopped in the field a couple of kilometers to the south from Leningradskiy village. The remaining two and a half kilometers to the confluence point were passed by skis. We got wet to the skin due to the rain falling out of dense clouds. Having chosen the wrong way, we had to cross a ravine to discover the point at its southern edge. After having skied back we found out that the confluence could be reached without leaving the car at all.

 All pictures
#1: View to the West
#2: View to the North
#3: View to the East
#4: View to the South
#5: At the point
#6: Hunters
#7: After skiing
#8: Leningradskiy village
ALL: All pictures on one page