the Degree Confluence Project

Argentina : Córdoba

5.1 km (3.2 miles) ENE of Pueblito, Córdoba, Argentina
Approx. altitude: 1076 m (3530 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 32°N 115°E

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: South view #3: East view #4: North view #5: GPS proof #6: Getting closer #7: Looking to the valley

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  32°S 65°W (visit #3)  

#1: West view

(visited by Rodolfo Cabral)

English version

23-Jun-2010 --

Habiendo capturado la 33S 66W un par de horas antes, desviarme nuevamente de mi ruta, solo me demoraría una hora extra en mi viaje. Lo único que me apuraba era la caída del sol y no lograr mi objetivo.

Saliendo de Villa Dolores, a los pocos kilómetros se llega al cruce que indica “San Javier” a la derecha, Córdoba a la izquierda. Allí mi GPS me indicaba 9.8 Km a la 32S 65W, y por asfalto llegué a San Javier. Aquí ya debía tomar el camino de tierra (3.7 km), que si bien no es muy transitado, no tuve inconvenientes en recorrerlo. Faltando 560 mts, y por una huella que pasa al lado de una casona en construcción, se llega sin tener que caminar a la confluencia. Solo tuve que bajar del auto y cruzar un alambrado para lograr los ceros.

Por suerte llegué con luz pero me costó sacar una foto visible al GPS sin que se me movieran los ceros. El flash se activaba y me blanqueaba la toma.

English version

23-Jun -2010 --

Having captured the 33S 66W a couple of hours before, make a additional detour from way, take me just an extra hour on my trip. I was hurried due to it was close to sunset and not achieve my goal.

Leaving Villa Dolores, after few kilometres we reach a junction that indicates "San Javier" to right, Córdoba on the left. There my GPS showed me 9.8 km to 32S 65W, and by a tarmac road I arrived to San Javier. Here already I had to take the dirt road (3.7 km), although not very busy, I had no disadvantages to traverse it. Resting 560 meters, a trail that passes by a house under construction, I arrived without having to walk to the confluence. Just had to get off the car and cross a wiring for zeros.

Luckily I got with light but it was not easy to take a visible to GPS photo without move me zeros. The flash was enabled and the picture was overexposure.

 All pictures
#1: West view
#2: South view
#3: East view
#4: North view
#5: GPS proof
#6: Getting closer
#7: Looking to the valley
ALL: All pictures on one page