English Narrative
19-Apr-2009 -- 不知道笨笨是在去丽江之前就谋划好了,还是到了之后偶然发现的,N27°E100°这个点就在丽江附近。他在研究了google earth之后,还曾经给我画了一份简单的线路图,并正重的说:这个点,我们的竞争对手曾经试图找过。要知道,这话对我是完全没有刺激效果的,我又不是胡狼或老尼。。。。
还没到江边,就远远看到一个船老大向我们抬了抬下巴,我们指指江对岸,大家心照不宣,只是没想到,只有我们两个,船也马上开了,而且是2元 /人。到了对岸,船老大要放下踏板,笨笨还跟人家客气:不用不用,我们跳下去就行了。老大说了:不行不行,还得上车呢,马上就到了。原来人家是着急过来接车的。
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English Narrative
19-Apr-2009 --
This point is not far from the famous tourist city Lin Jiang, and we have plenty of time, it seems a reasonable choice for us. Even with slight fever, I decided to go.
First Transport:Taxi
Our first transport is a taxi which take us from Shu He Village to Li Jiang City
Second Transport: Local Bus
The bus stop is near the District Hospital. It cost us 13 RMB from Li Jiang City to Shi Gu village: a famous landscape spot which visitor can take photo for the river U turn.
We bought some strawberry. It's smaller than Beijing's strawberry, but taste much better.
Third Transport: Local taxi
The port here is just for tourist use, and transfer to the other bank is impossible. We have to take an local taxi to local port, it's very cheap: 5 RMB.
Fourth Transport: ferryboat
It seems today is a market day, lots of people go to this town. We catch the ferryboat, and it leaves within ten minutes, also very very cheap: 3 RMB, compares to the tourist boat's 100 RMB. We can enjoy the scene of river slowly.
Fifth Transport: local bus
Now we are in the other side of the river, but the problem is hard to explain where were are going. Local people don't understand my language. But they are very nice people, they help us stop every vehicle, and try to explain our requirement. Finally, a small van give us a hand.
Sixth Transport: foot
The small van leave us near a small village, about 5km from the point. From the map we know their are dirt road towards the CP, but no vehicle can be found in the village. We have a short rest and the began our trekking. It's very hot here, our water used up quickly. Luckily, we can find springs from mountain, villager make water channel nearby the road.
After 1-2 hour, we reached the "off road" point, this point is planned from map before our trip, It's about 2km from the CP.
The mountain is steep, after 1km, we found ourselves in a almost vertical rock. It's possible for climb up, but impossible for descend. I climbed another 20 meters up, and then give up.
We retrieved back to the "off road point", and began to find some other way. This time, we are lucky, an trail in an valley leads us to the CP, 100m, just satisfy the requirement. If the requirement is 50m, this point is not accessible, it must be somewhere on the cliff.
The trees in this forest is very tall, and the valley is very steep, it's hard to get good GPS signal. We have to walk forward and backward for more then 200m to find the correct signal.
Seventh Transport: ferryboat
We are very tired when we back to the road along the river. For more than 30 minutes, their is no vehicle pass by. A friendly villager told us their is a port in this village to, it's no necessary to wait bus or private car here. This time the ferryboat is much bigger than the morning one.
Eighth Transport: small bus
The road is much bigger than the road in other side, and lots of car runs on it. But it means, they will never stop to give you a hand. You have to wait for the bus. After a long time, we catch a small bus. And a great news is: it will go to Li Jiang city!!!! What we need to do, is just throw us to the seat and have a good rest.
It's a 12 hours trip to the CP, we have nothing to eat except some beans and DouFu
It's the hardest CP we have ever visited,far beyond our expect.
We are very happy, since we succeed at last.
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Coordinator's Note: This visit is classified incomplete because it does not meet the photo requirements of the project.