03-Mar-2000 -- As soon as I found this website I thought it
would be a fun thing to do on a Saturday -- one which turned out to be
rainy. I chose this particular confluence because it was the nearest to
the NY metro area that hadn't yet been visited. It looked like it might be
in an interesting area, just inside the border of the Adirondack State Park,
yet accessible -- not too far from a major freeway. I printed out a set of
topographic maps and loaded the waypoint and street detail into my
GPS and away I went. It's hard to believe that it's only a couple hours'
drive from NYC, because it gave me a really rural, Midwest feeling --
tractor dealerships, farms, small towns, Walmarts, more pickups than
BMWs -- very different. (I stopped in Walmart on my way up to pick up
one of the new dollar coins, but they had already run out.)
I found the right exit and the right road without too much trouble and
proceeded to a point where I thought I would park and make my quarter
mile trek into the woods. But then I saw another newly built dirt road that
wasn't on the map. It was just a couple hundred feet along, leading in the
direction I needed to go, curving back parallel to the road I was on. It
looks like developers are still in the early stages of carving up this hillside
into another row of summer houses. I knew it was the invasion of the
summer people because these houses had no chimneys and were smaller
than the other few old farmhouses on the road. I parked my car along this
road, much closer than I thought I would be able to drive and walked
another 400 feet into the woods and down a moderate hill until my GPS
told me I was at the confluence. I took my pictures near a rock ledge near
a small cave, then proceeded back up the hill past one of the houses in
progress and returned to my car. I went back along the road and circled
two or three times, passing a point that was labeled on the topographical
map as an air shaft for the NYC aqueduct, but the location was actually
on top of an embankment with quite a number of "Do not trespass"
penalties posted, so I decided not to investigate further, though it would
have been interesting, and headed home.