the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Krasnoyarskiy kray

4.7 km (2.9 miles) ENE of Khvoynyy, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russia
Approx. altitude: 274 m (898 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 56°S 86°W

Accuracy: 34 m (111 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: To the north #3: To the west #4: To the south #5: To the east #6: GPS error is 30 meters (and mosquito!!) #7:  View from the road (650 meters away from the confluence) #8: Field in 50 meters away from the confluence #9: A bunch of mosquitos

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  56°N 94°E (visit #1)  

#1: Genaral view

(visited by Andrew Baznikin and Ekaterina Rodina)


23-Июля-2011 – Дорога к точке от трассы М-53 труднопроходима для легковых автомобилей, порядка 20 км грунтовки по лесу. В одном месте это развороченная гать, приподнятая над окружающим ландшафтом на полтора–два метра; часто – крупные колеи.

Грунтовка проходит в 700 метрах от точки, и мы решили пройти это расстояние пешком. Всё вокруг заросло высокой травой в человеческий рост и просто нечеловеческое количество разнообразного гнуса. Тут и там заросли прорезаны медвежьими тропами, повсюду медвежьи же лежбища (примятая трава) и какашки.

На подходе к точке поляна заканчивается и начинается густой хвойный лес и крутой склон вниз. На точке нас ждали слой мха под ногами, плотные заросли и густая тень (смотрите снимки, стоял солнечный день). Ну и тучи комаров и оводов, куда без этого?! Рядышком притаилось даже небольшая болотина. GPS-приёмник был на телефоне и неуверенно ловил сигнал, очень долго из-за этого кривыми галсами выходили на нужную точку.


23-Jul-2011 – The road from M-53 highway to this point is hardly accessible by unprepared vehicles, it is a dirt road, about 20 km long. Somewhere it was dirt log path which was 1-2 metres higher than background, somewhere there were deep ruts.

This road passed by the confluence in about 700 meters away, we decided to walk the rest distance. All around was overgrown with high grass and there were bunch of various mosquitoes. There were bears' paths, bears' bed and their excrement here and there.

Near the confluence the glade turned into the steep descent covered by dense coniferous forest. At the confluence point the ground was covered with thick moss, there was a dense forest and deep shadow (look at our photographs, and take into account that there was sunny day outside!). And mosquitoes for sure. Also there were tiny marshland. We used the phone as a GPS receiver, so the signal was too weak and we spend much time moving around the point catching zero digits.

 All pictures
#1: Genaral view
#2: To the north
#3: To the west
#4: To the south
#5: To the east
#6: GPS error is 30 meters (and mosquito!!)
#7: View from the road (650 meters away from the confluence)
#8: Field in 50 meters away from the confluence
#9: A bunch of mosquitos
ALL: All pictures on one page