the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Arizona

6.6 miles (10.6 km) SW of Kearny, Pinal, AZ, USA
Approx. altitude: 1024 m (3359 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 33°S 69°E

Accuracy: 4 m (13 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View North #3: View East #4: View South #5: View West (into the late afternoon sun) #6: All zeros! #7: A panoramic view to the northeast, from this beautiful confluence point

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  33°N 111°W (visit #4)  

#1: The confluence point lies in rocky desert terrain (a rock circle left by previous visitors marks the point)

(visited by Ross Finlayson)

06-Dec-2011 -- I was in Phoenix on a mountain biking vacation, but today it felt too cold (barely 50 degrees Fahrenheit) to go mountain biking, so I decided to go confluence hunting instead. I originally wasn't thrilled about visiting [33,-111], because it seemed remote and difficult, but upon reading Shawn Fleming's description, I realized that it was likely to be easier than I'd first guessed. And I was right; thanks to Shawn's excellent description, I was able to reach the confluence point quite easily, by hiking from the corral that he noted.

Desert confluence points are often boring - frequently consisting of nothing but clumps of sagebrush growing on dry sandy lake beds - but this confluence point is quite beautiful, with rolling hills, striking Saguaro cactus, and rugged mountains in the distance.

 All pictures
#1: The confluence point lies in rocky desert terrain (a rock circle left by previous visitors marks the point)
#2: View North
#3: View East
#4: View South
#5: View West (into the late afternoon sun)
#6: All zeros!
#7: A panoramic view to the northeast, from this beautiful confluence point
ALL: All pictures on one page