the Degree Confluence Project

India : Orissa

7.7 km (4.8 miles) NE of Māligān, Orissa, India
Approx. altitude: 812 m (2664 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 19°S 97°W

Accuracy: 50 m (164 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: A screenshot of the GPS. #3: A personal pic with Morani river in the background #4: Another pic with a different background #5: A screenshot of an offline app - Disha

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  19°N 83°E (visit #2) (incomplete) 

#1: Pic of the general area.

(visited by Yoginder Agarwal)

03-Mar-2020 -- I travelled from Rayagada town in a Bolero four wheeler, taking around 2 hrs to reach a point close to the confluence, guided by google maps. This is around 25 kms from Koraput and around 70 kms from Rayagada. The last point on google maps is where I lost all cell networks and had to switch to the GPS and an android App - Disha. The track towards the river is visible from the road, which curves upwards onto a hill with the river towards the west. The exact point is in the middle of the Murani River, which flows its way among the small hills. The going to this point is tough, where one has to cross a couple of fast flowing streams before finally going through thick wildgrowth and brush to the edge of the river Morani. The river is not very wide but quite some way down a slope. The volume of water flow is not much and so there is no sound to guide the explorer, who has to make use of the GPS.

Coordinator's Note: This visit is classified incomplete because it does not meet the photo requirements of the project.

 All pictures
#1: Pic of the general area.
#2: A screenshot of the GPS.
#3: A personal pic with Morani river in the background
#4: Another pic with a different background
#5: A screenshot of an offline app - Disha
ALL: All pictures on one page