27-Dec-1999 -- This beautiful confluence is located
inside California's Joshua Tree National Park, just 1 mile east of the
Belle campground. To reach it, I parked at this campground and started
hiking. The first 2/3 mile was an easy hike along flat ground, amongst
thinly spread cactus and Joshua Trees. The remaining 1/3 mile was much
tougher, requiring scrambling up a steep, rocky hillside. The
confluence is located near the top of this hill. Photo #1 shows a view
from the confluence point, looking westward back towards the Belle
campground (the rounded rocks near the center of the photo). One of the
park's namesake Joshua Trees is in the foreground. Photo #3 shows a
cluster of pretty cactus near the confluence point.
At the top of the hill - above the confluence - there's a
communications tower (see photo #4). In hindsight, an easier way to
reach this confluence would be to find whatever service road leads to
this communications tower, and hike down from there. (I don't know if
this could be done legally, though.)