the Degree Confluence Project

United Kingdom : Scotland

10.2 km (6.3 miles) E of Mousa Island, Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom
Approx. altitude: 0 m (0 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 60°S 179°E

Accuracy: 12.2 km (7.6 mi)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the South #3: View to the West #4: View to the North #5: View to the East #6: GPS Reading #7: Ground Zero #8: The Confluence Hunter #9: Rocky Coast on Bressay

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  60°N 1°W (visit #3) (incomplete) 

#1: The Confluence from 13km Distance

(visited by Rainer Mautz and Elionora)

05-Jun-2024 -- The story continues from our visit at the Orkney Islands, 59°N 3°W.

This confluence point is in the North Sea, about 10 km east of the Shetland Archipelago. We reached this confluence point on hiking-day #77 while hiking a loop around the Island Bressay. Or more precisely speaking, we reached the point with the minimal distance of 12.2 km. We didn’t make any effort to rent a boat. First of all, we would have required a ship that is suitable for the deep ocean. Secondly, we find it more interesting to make a land visit rather than an ocean visit where there is hardly any view of land.

CP Visit Details:

  • Distance to a road: 13 km
  • Time at the minimal distance to the CP: 1:32 PM
  • Measured height: 70 m
  • Minimal distance according to GPS: 12200 m
  • Position accuracy: 5 m
  • Weather: partly cloudy, 11° C (felt temperature)
  • Given Name: The Why-not-make-a-report Confluence

The total hike was 81 days and 2710 km on foot starting in Zurich, Switzerland. A summary of the trip can be found here. The story finishes here.

 All pictures
#1: The Confluence from 13km Distance
#2: View to the South
#3: View to the West
#4: View to the North
#5: View to the East
#6: GPS Reading
#7: Ground Zero
#8: The Confluence Hunter
#9: Rocky Coast on Bressay
ALL: All pictures on one page
In the sea, but with a view of land.