05-May-2024 -- During a hiking trip in the Ceahlău National Park I realized how ‘close’ it’s to the 47°N 26°E CP. The last visit was 23 years ago so I was curious to see how the vegetation changed since then, outside of the National Park.
I started the trip from the closest forest road intersection [46.99552, 25.97380] with the County Road DJ 155F between Izvorul Muntelui – Durău. Right after the junction is a barrier to limit the vehicle access. After ~ 750 meter is another junction [46.99338, 25.97907] where I continued on the right trail based on the road signs [image 6] is 0.9 Km ramification of Pârâul Mare road. This portion is an abandoned forest road, but easily doable with slight altitude changes. From the end of this ramification I used the GPS to get straight to the CP. The last part was a significant descent in mixed forest vegetation. On the way back I found few forestry exploitation tracks and one of them leads to the end of the ramification.