19-Jun-2001 -- We found longitude 86 west first, and intended to walk north to the confluence. But the terrain was very steep. We backtracked to a snowmobile trail and drove north to latitude 44 then walked west from the snowmobile trail and ended up trudging through the woods quite a ways, only to find the confluence was just off Hamilton Road. We didn't realize this because the confluence is right on the line where the DeLorme map we were using changes pages - if we had flipped the page we could have saved ourselves a bit of trouble! We could have parked on Hamilton and only had to walk maybe 100 yards! There isn't anything here - just woods. Picture #1 is looking north, you can see Hamilton Road through the woods. #2 is looking south, #3 is looking west. #4 is Ken, the camera is pointing east, and #5 is Kevin, camera facing west.