the Degree Confluence Project

Spain : Cantabria

1.9 km (1.2 miles) S of Bustamante, Cantabria, Spain
Approx. altitude: 835 m (2739 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 43°S 176°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North #3: East #4: South #5: West #6: GPS Reading (Only 231 metres away)

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  43°N 4°W (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: General view (the spot is in the water near the center of the photo)

(visited by Angel Hermosilla)


22-Aug-2001 -- Among the Spanish confluence points, three of them are located near or in dams. This is one of them and, unfortunately the point is in water (strictly speaking, under the water). Thought not very far from the shore (231 meters) obviously I couldn't tread on it, short of a boat, which I am seriously thinking of buying.

This dam is one of the most ancient ones in Spain and one of the biggest too. Its building led up to the disappearance of many hamlets and villages, including a glass factory quite well known in the area.

Spanish Version

De los puntos de confluencia que están en España, tres de ellos caen dentro o en las proximidades de pantanos. Este es uno de ellos y desgraciadamente el punto está en el agua. Aunque la distancia a la orilla es muy pequeña (231 metros) no pude acercarme lo suficiente. La verdad es que no dispongo de un bote.

Este pantano es uno de los más antiguos de España y también de los más grandes. Su contrucción supuso la desaparición de muchos pequeños pueblos, incluso la desaparición de una industria del vidrio que se llevaba a cabo en esta zona.

 All pictures
#1: General view (the spot is in the water near the center of the photo)
#2: North
#3: East
#4: South
#5: West
#6: GPS Reading (Only 231 metres away)
ALL: All pictures on one page
In the water supply dam Embalse del Ebro, about 270 m from the lakeside.