15-Jul-2000 -- This was the second confluence of a fairly
long day which took me over miles of backroads in Northeast Oregon.
There is a lot of interesting country in this corner of Oregon,
including Hell's (and surrounding) Canyon and the Wallowas.
This confluence point is some miles south of the larger
peaks of the Wallowas.
A forest service road gets to within a quarter mile (or less)
of the confluence point, though this road is closed for much
of the year. I was fortunate enough to hit it while it was not
closed and this saved me a few miles of bike riding between
all of the cows which are allowed to range in this area.
After parking, I made the short walk up towards the top of
the ridge where the confluence point is. The point is actually
just a little below the top of the ridge, and so there is not
much to see from the point itself. I took a picture of the GPS
at the point and then walked 20 meters or so to where the
view opened up quite a bit. It was from here that I took the
other pictures.